Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Too hot

Captain's Log - Day 15

Rough start to the day today.

We had some trouble weighing anchor this morning and pretty much ripped off our starboard railing. We were able to re-attach most of it.

Once we got underway, we passed St. Louis. The city looks smaller from the river, but it's a good view.

The river in front of St. Louis is choked with barges and extremely choppy! It was not fun steering through there. We eventually made it through and now the river has cleared out. The only boats we've seen south of St. Louis have been barges - no pleasure craft. We did see the largest barge yet - six barges wide by six long! Even though the barges are empty (you can tell by how high they're riding in the water) that's still pretty impressive.

We also saw our first dredging boat. At least we're pretty sure that's what it is.

We're a few miles south of Chester, Illinois, which seems to have a real serious looking prison right on the river! This is old and the touch of neoclassical architecture puts one in mind of Arkham Asylum. I kept listening for the Joker's deranged laugh, but sadly there was only silence.

We're on the hook at the southern tip of Rockwood Island (which can only be seen in google's satellite view for some reason) and it is hot. It was hot last night too. You know how in the summertime you turn your pillow over when the top side gets hot and the other side feels so cool and refreshing? Now I find myself turning over my pillow because the top is soaked (literally) with sweat.

For dinner, I made a Thai peanut curry with potatoes, onions, and rice. Probably not a very good hot weather food, but it was tasty. "Thai curry was a bad choice!" Anyone?


  1. Hopefully you had some milk to wash down that Thai curry.

  2. It's so hot out . . . milk was a bad choice.
