Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Captain's Log - Day 36

The trip is officially over!

This morning we packed up everything and rode north to Indiana with Taylor and Rachael. On the way, we stopped at a Waffle House (affectionately known as Wa Ho) for Simon, since he'd never been. I don't think he appreciated it.

Our trip south on Plan C was amazing. We met some fantastic people - especially Rob and Kate who set the tone for our interactions with everyone else, and Randy and Rebecca whose hospitality (and moonshine) warmed our spirits.

We learned a lot about ourselves and each other. If you ever need a someone to travel down river with you, Simon's a good choice - he's bold, capable, not afraid to dig into a problem and get his hands dirty, and just good company. He's also a very talented photographer!

We gained confidence in our ability to just get out and have an adventure that we knew virtually nothing about.

This has been a great time of rejuvenation for me. I know I've said it before, but the freedom was amazing.

Thanks for all your prayers, emails, calls, texts, and comments! Thanks for reading along! We hope you've enjoyed it!

Farewell until our next adventure!

As promised, here are some statistics:

We traveled 725 miles down the Mississippi, 47 miles up the Ohio, and 617 miles up the Tennessee for a grand total of 1,389 miles.

We locked through 37 locks.

We spent 36 nights on the boat.

We lost 2 anchors.

We saved one life (Melissa Melanie).

We took no prisoners.


  1. Glad you finally had your adventure Bilbo.

  2. Tell Simon he has some persistent unsightly grease mark under his right arm. He really should take a bath!

  3. Anonymous, hahahaha you must be booking your local comedy spot nightly! We just made it 1,400 miles down the 4th largest river in the world and that's what you comment on?

    Wow, thanks for the advice and it was done in memory of Amber's sister who passed away and means the world to me. How about you worry about you and I'll worry about me, deal?

  4. Congratulations! What's the next adventure? You can't stop now. (I need to keep living vicariously.)

  5. I'll say it one more time - well done guys, truly, an outstanding adventure. So cool that you have the blog and the photos to help you re-tell the story.

  6. Well, you made it! Congratulations and I am looking forward to hearing all the life lessons learned. I have to admit I am proud, envious, and amazed of you. I am pleased that I didn't have to attend a burial at sea and anxiously await your next life's chapter!
    The Dad

  7. Hey you missed Tuesday's blog!
    The Dad
