Saturday, July 24, 2010


Captain's Log - Day 32

We're in Knoxville!

If all goes according to plan, Simon pulled up his last anchor this morning. And we passed through our last lock - the Fort Loudoun Lock

A few miles before we got to our destination, we killed the engines and jumped in the river a few times just for old times sake.

The countryside near Knoxville is beautiful and it's filled with ridiculous homes! Some of these boathouses were bigger than most apartments I've seen!

We saw Predators tonight. It was pretty good - better than I expected!

We're docked at Concord Marina, and the plan is to stay here till we sell Plan C. This place is probably the classiest marina we've stayed at. There's a pretty fancy looking restaurant here, the Lakeside Tavern, but the food isn't too great. Maybe we just haven't ordered well yet.

Hopefully we'll sell the boat this weekend! Got lots of people lined up to come and look at her. I'm optimistic.

Here's a quick tidbit before I pass out from exhaustion!

Tidbit #4 - Talk to everyone. You never know who you'll meet. We've met so many interesting, helpful, and friendly people! Maybe we're talkative because it's relatively seldom that we see someone besides each other.


  1. I'll trade you my blue Trek bicycle plus $5,000 cash for your boat. (the $5,000 goes to me!)

  2. How about a video poll: a video of each potential buyer on a Youtube Channel and let us vote on the people who we think will end up buying it. And maybe there's a pool amongst us?
