Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Welcome Aboard!

Captain's Log - Day 1

We are officially underway aboard the Plan C. I was going to name her the Plan B, but then Rebecca informed me that there may be some copyright issues there, plus "C" is probably more accurate ... And yes, that is electrical tape.

After a few last minute preparations, we left Winona Marina this morning and our adventure officially began. Three minutes into the trip, it almost ended.

We decided to fill up at the marina and I ran into the fueling dock. And when I say ran into, I don't mean just bumped it - the boat actually ran up onto the dock! No permanent damage, but it did rattle us all a bit. We got a little souvenir from the dock to hang on our wall.

After that near miss ... although that really wasn't a miss ... we headed downriver to our next challenge - Lock #6.

Thanks to charts of the upper Mississippi we received from Rob and Kate, the crew of the Easy Living, we had plenty of warning before we got there. They also gave us a few spare anchors. Rob and Kate saved us a lot of trouble - thanks, you two! They've even been leaving Kilroy-esque notes in the locks for us.

We've successfully beached the boat just south of La Crosse at Crater Island for the night. Feeling a lot better (despite the vicious sunburn) now that we have a day and two locks under our collective belt and we're still afloat!

Andrea will be thrilled to know that I've already had to use the first aid kit!


  1. What a crazy adventure. Glad you're having fun! Now I'll be praying for you...Love, your favorite cousin

  2. Jon forwarded me your blog address. Good luck! This is going to be the trip of a lifetime, and I can't wait to read about it.

  3. Dude, what did I tell you about sunblock?

    Also, why didn't you name the boat Seaward ...?

  4. Oh wow - you guys have had quite a first day. Glad to hear the first aid kit came in handy, but I'm a little worried that it was needed on Day 1. Yikes! Hopefully you remembered the Aloe! Remember, whatever you do . . . don't eat the fish!!!

  5. You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth.
    Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    Opening lines of the book, Chapter 1.

  6. Go Brandon! Keep us posted on your New Orleans ETA - we will need to meet you there to celebrate!

  7. i just finished Tom sawyer and im
    going to start on Huckleberry Finn.
    ill be reading with you

  8. I think anonymous is jealous! I know I am. If Lewis and Clark could walk to the West coast across the Rockies, surely you guys can float down the river!
    Rich W

  9. I have to wonder why someone would call these guys idiots? I could understand telling them they could've prepared a little better... but, after spending time with them, I wish I had their spirit... and I wish I was going on the trip with them. We're looking forward to reading each installment here! The Captain and Crew of EZ Livin

  10. The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship.
    Amelia Earhart

  11. Wait a minute. I thought you was dead!
